Video prezentujące usługę 3DS Shop.

Przedstawiam Wam zwiastun zapowiadający sklep 3DS Shop, w którym już za kilka miesięcy będziemy kupować nowe gierki itd. 😀


oraz kilka faktów o nim w języku angielskim:

– Wasn’t detailed at Nintendo’s conference last month due to time constraints
– Visit “racks” corresponding to different themes when you load the shop
– Software that fits the theme can be found on each rack
– When you select a game, you can see details, view movies, download a demo, and see the opinion of other players
– If you choose software details, you can see a description, play status, other information
– Can also directly visit a game’s home page
– Section on the shop where games are listed in order of latest releases and most popular
– Search functionality
– Can cast recommendation votes for games

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