Tecmo Koei podało szczegóły dotyczące trybu figurkowego w Dead or Alive: Dimensions, a także parę innych ciekawostek, z którymi możecie się zapoznać poniżej:
– players collect character figures.
– used for 3D photography shoots
– set up the figures against a background of your choice,
– create 3D photos
– photos can be saved album for future viewing
– over 1,000 figure variations, with differences in poses, and clothing
– move the camera around and rotate the figure with the d-pad
– change the focus point with the Circle Pad
– zoom in and out with X and Y
– toggle the camera finder display
– snap pic with the R button
– view photos in the „3D Photo Album” mode
– stores your 3D photos along with date and photographer information
– delete photos that you don’t like
– reconfirmed characters are Brad Wong, Gen Fu, Jann Lee, Lei Fang, Tina, Eliot, La Mariposa and Kokoro
– reconfirmed stages are Bio Lab, Hall and Helipad and Metroid: Other M level