Przegląd prasy #1

„Przegląd prasy” to nowy cykl, w którym będziemy publikować linki do wszelakich artykułów związanych z Nintendo 3DS.

Hands on with Steel Diver by Siliconera

One thing you can’t see in the Steel Diver screenshots are the awesome 3D effects. The background stretches out giving the effect of exploring a deep cavern or holding an aquarium in a box. The sub itself doesn’t change with 3D turned on, so it seems like its floating.

3DS hidden gems

Official Nintendo Magazine shares a few of the games that we can expect a lot from that you might’ve missed with all the announcements. Games like de Blob 2, Ninja Gaiden and Super Monkey Ball all make an appearance.

Castlevania developer has a 3DS dev kit and “wants to create games for the 3DS”

While there was no word of a 3DS Castlevania, IGA reveals that he does have 3DS development kit from Nintendo at his office in Japan. The tech, he says, has already improved — what he saw at E3 is looking even better than what he had previously seen.

Final Fantasy V, VI remakes semi-cofirmed for 3DS

“As you saw from Nintendo’s press conference yesterday, there is new hardware coming out. We knew that was coming. We had to make decisions understanding that there were hardware changes in the near future and where want to put our resources. No decision has been made. Rather than creating [Final Fantasy] V or VI for the current DS we want to take a look to see how 3DS does, how it evolves, and then make a decision.” – Shinji Hashimoto

Brak komentarzy

  1. Dziwi trochę hype wokół Steel Divera… przecież to zwykły arcade simulator 2D z bezwładnością, coś jak starusieńkie Wings of Fury, z tym że w roli głównej jest łódź podwodna. Grafika rodem z 16-bitowców, nic specjalnego… no i jak niby bez multitoucha umożliwią jednoczesne operowanie suwakami prędkości i zanurzenia ?

    Nie mówię że to będzie zła gra, może być całkiem milutka, ale do napisania w 6 tygodni, nie w 6 lat 😉

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